Perform At YOUR Best… And feel it!

You are a performer who has tried Whole 30, Keto and Dairy-Free Diets. You have done the group workout classes, the hours on the treadmill and the Hot Yoga. Though you may have seen benefits, what you’ve done in the past is no longer working for you in your current life…

  • What would it feel like if your self-doubt and fears shrunk and every time you walked into an audition you looked and felt your best? 

  • How would it feel if all dieting and calorie counting stopped and you could enjoy "forbidden foods" – all while maintaining your weight?

  • How would it feel if your skin remained magically clear?

  • How would it feel if you could look in the mirror and adore all that you see?

  • What would it feel like to have a Healthy Mind/Body/Soul connection that doesn’t revolve around your weight and diet?

  • What would it feel like to stop judging your every performance?

  • How is your current way of living, being and doing supporting you and your life?


This isn’t some magic cure. Though it is *magic* in that kind of “WOAH! Life is cool!” reaffirming kind of way. This is a pause and check-in to see if your current way of living is aligning with YOU and what YOU want… where the pieces of the puzzle come together!

I am Vicki Radolinski, former-actress-forever-improviser-turned Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.  With me, clients learn how to check in with how they truly feel and what they genuinely want, ultimately replacing old, broken habits with new beneficial ways of being, doing and having — designing a personalized Healthy lifestyle that aligns…

One that performs uniquely for you!

And let’s face it, besides maybe clean air, clean water and quality sleep, there is no one size fits all solution in this world! So let us find what works best for YOU! In 3 short, productive and (did I mention?) FUN months from now you will see healthy changes you want to see in yourself, your work, your life – and FEEL IT! 

RAD Health includes:

  • 12 weekly one-on-one virtual sessions (same day/time each week), 50 minutes each - so you can sit in your elastic waist pants from the comfort of your own space, wherever you may be on this Earth!

  • Session notes emailed weekly; includes recap and additional information and links to topics we discussed - so long trying to remember what it is you were supposed to be looking into and are supposed to be putting into practice this week… Don’t fret – I got’cha back!

  • Open email communication between sessions - feeling stuck or hit a wall between sessions? Nah… not when I’m here to guide you through or around the obstacle - together, we got’chu!

Total cost of this 12 week program: $1,620

$135 per week / payment plans available

Investing in YOUrself and seeing the results you have been yearning for: PRICELESS!

It has been said that, “how we do one thing is how we do all things”. What you do in one area of life has an impact on all of the other areas, whether you are conscious of it or not. And listen, this is not to say “you’re doing it wrong!” because there is no universal “right” way. This is about finding a healthy lifestyle that brings more joy and ease into your life, one that performs for you!

This is not about perfection but instead making progress, improving upon what is not currently working for YOU and finding a balance that does work for YOU —  replacing old, broken, routine habits with new beneficial, healthy ways of living your life that YOU adore!

Working together is about investing in YOUrself! You only get this one life — unless you believe in reincarnation, but either way — don’t you want to enJOY the heck out of this current ride, looking and feeling fantastic in the process?  



“Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!” – Auntie Mame

Fill out the form below to start enJOYing the banquet life is offering YOU! There’s nothing to lose. I’ll get back to you within 48 business hours.