What makes me different, you wonder?

You mean, besides all of the brilliance you’ve already seen?…

…Obviously I am humble and modest ;) ;)

Welcome to the RAD health coach! I am Vicki Radolinski, former-actress-forever-improviser-turned Integrative Nutrition Health Coach! 

As a native New Yorker and the 5th of 6 children, I am all too familiar with life (and siblings) pushing me down and daring me to get back up (again and again) and go in the direction of my dreams. I finally feel like I have taken those lemons* and created the most delicious lemonade! (*Or limes for some spicy Margaritas!)

Throughout my younger years I sometimes struggled with what I wanted, what my purpose was, how I was feeling, what I was doing — personally and professionally.  There were many times I felt like I was floundering. 

I got into reading Spiritual/Nutrition/Self-Improvement type books. Playing just about every sport and practically living in the gym, I was always athletic. I have remained a voracious eater! It never occurred to me to add all of these interests up to equal an unbelievably fulfilling career in Health & Wellness as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. 

It only took YEARS of pounding the pavement, audition after audition, restaurant job after restaurant job, W2 after W9 and even working on the non-creative side of entertainment to get me to this point. I fully believe the Universe just wanted me to get here when I was ready. (Life’s clock continually amazes me!) 

This work** lights me up! In an inviting, FUN and judgment-free way I compassionately support clients as they realize how the choices they currently make, regarding their health and well-being, align with how they ideally want to live and feel in their bodies. Aspects of our lives like Home Environment, Relationships, Career, Social Life and Spirituality all, in some way, dictate what we choose to put on our plate and feed our body, mind and soul. Health is all-encompassing! 

It is as if my life of ups and downs, struggles and strife, auditions and constant hustle have finally landed me exactly where I am meant to be — working** with YOU! 

(**Can it be called “work” if I adore it SO very much? ;)

Now it’s beyond time I get to know YOU!

Let’s groove like whatever the opposite food analogy is of Oil & Water… Be in The Zone like Joey Tribbiani & A Sandwich… Harmonize like Chocolate & Peanut Butter!

Unless you’re allergic to PB, then definitely not PB! (And for sure, inform me of any allergies when we are solving this puzzle together! ;)

P.S. According to The VIA Institute on Character my Top STRENGTHS are:





Who would not want to work with THAT Coach?

Don’t just take my word for it…

PROGRESS over perfection — I am here to help you achieve it!

Chat with me…

Is this a fit for you? Let’s find out!